I am offering sessions to support the spiritually seeking. These are meant for you who would appreciate a deeper understanding of Your Own Being and for you who yearns for setting yourself free and living a life in accordance with your own Deepest Nature.
By setting yourself free from the stories of the mind, you will get a much better chance to create the independent life you truly want, and you will be able to handle situations in your life with much more ease when you do not identify yourselv with a specific story.
Who is the real you beneath the stories you tell about yourself? What is the true longing of your soul? What is your deepest truth when you are not dependent on outer circumstances? What happens if you are rid of the stories you have made about life, what you ought to do, and what you have to do?
What is your soul’s Innermost Nature?
What stories have become physical symptoms in your body and blockings in the subtle bodies?
Until you have set yourself free from your mind, you cannot answer those questions.
As long as you are not able to listen to the longing of the soul, you suffer, one way or the other.
When we do not follow our heart´s desires or fail to see clearly the Divinity that we are, we suffer.
By realizing your Innermost Nature, you will, sooner or later, be healed from both your stories and physical symptoms.
A session will typically be based on a conversation as well as what was revealed by looking at you clairvoyantly. You will receive healing – that is to be understood as an energy work – aimed at pointing you to your own Inner Self. If it is relevant, I will use the drum and other shaman tools to point you to your Essence.
Underneath it all, and shared with you throughout the session, is the Devine Consciousness.
It will be a space where you will be met as the soul you truly are and an opportunity for you to experience deeper, the Devine Consciousness, in order for you to realize what you really are.
Sessions take place in Egedal close to the station.
You can call me to arrange a session on +45 29981466, or you can write me an Email
I look forward to meeting you.
Read more about the Circle of the Lifeforce.
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