When things become normal

As you awaken to the truth of what you really are, you will realize that you have been telling stories about yourself, others and the world around you. As that happens, you realize that things are becoming normal in a way that you can no longer distinguish between your latest retreats and going grocery shopping.

The road to freedom

The road to freedom

Simplified, you can say that the road to liberation goes through truth and forgiveness.

Truth is to be understood as a truth that you discover to be an underlying truth to the reality that you believed in. It is a truth bigger than anything. It is a truth that permeates everything and at the same time, is everything. 

When you discover that truth, you understand that all what you believed to be real, is nothing but illusion.

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I am a human being

When you awaken, God shows you who you are and you realize; I am God. But what happens when God shows you who God is? That is when you realize that you are not a human being, walking on earth as God. You are God walking on earth, as a human being.

Awakening – and then what?

A very high consciousness

Consciousness on this planet has never been higher. And so, the road less traveled is not as deserted as it used to be.

We actually live in a time where it is relatively easy to awaken to the realization that God is all there is and even to the deeper realization that I am God.

In most literature, awakening is where it ends – or there is not really a distinction between awakening and being enlightened. 

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Last Sunday I hosted The Circle of the LifeForce again.

It was a beautiful morning, and one participant commented on something that I had said earlier about how we most often suffer – not so much because of what is going on in our lives – but rather because of the stories we tell about it.

I had mentioned how the human mind has a unique trait that enables it to create its own suffering with its stories. 

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The mind so really wants to think that it is something.
In a spiritual context it may be that the mind wants to be more enlightened than the other person.
Maybe it wants to be closer to God than the other person. Maybe the mind measures itself based on what and how much spiritual practice the other person is doing.

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